Class Dojo

Class Dojo is an online platform that we use in school to communicate with parents and to reward children.

At the start of term, your child’s class teacher will provide with you with account details for their particular class. Each parent/carer gets a special code for their child so that no one else can see the information. You can then securely log on at:

We actively encourage all parents to join their child’s Class Dojo network and participate in the communication network. From feedback from parents, we have found this to be a fast and effective mode of communication to keep parents informed when their child is rewarded for a particular reason.

Within Class Dojo, each class has its own ‘story’. This is like a ‘Facebook wall’ where only members of that class can see the posts. There is also a ‘School Story’ where everybody within the school community can post messages and respond to comments. We use these ‘story’ pages to communicate messages to people on a regular basis, so it’s really important that you get connected to Class Dojo.

Parents are also able to send messages straight to the class teacher, and to other members of the school team including the office staff, Safeguarding and Pastoral Manager and the SENCO. These messages are always read but may not always be responded to immediately as staff are busy teaching and supporting children during the school day. If your message is urgent, you should always ring the school office, who will ensure that the message is passed on to the relevant person straight away.

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