Dates of Term and Opening Times

Opening Times 

📢 Gates will be opened at 8.40am.

Nursery –Morning Session – 8:45am to 11:45am
Afternoon session – 12:15pm to 3:15pm
Full day – 8:45am to 3:15pm.

Reception – 8:55am to 3:15pm – Doors open at 8:45am Doors Close a 8:55am

Year 1-2 – 8:55am to 3:15pm – Doors open at 8:45am Doors Close at 8:55am

Year 3-6 – 9.00am to 3.20pm – Doors open at 8.50am Doors Close at 9:00am

BREAKFAST CLUB starts at 8.00am and its runs until 8:30am There is no need to book its £1.00per day, payable via ParentPay or you can get a barcode from the school office – weekly payments are required.

Dates of Term

You can find the holiday patterns for this year and future academic years here:

Dates of Term 2023-24

Dates of Term 2024-25

Under new Government Legislation holidays taken in school time will only be authorised under exceptional circumstances.  If a holiday is taken without permission a fixed penalty fine could be issued by the School Attendance Improvement Service.

Term time leave of absence in exceptional circumstances may be granted by the Safeguarding and Pastoral Manager. Exceptional Circumstances Holiday request forms are available from the office or you can download a form here.

Parents/carers must apply to the Safeguarding and Pastoral Manager to request leave of absence. Each application will be judged on its own merit. 

Exceptional circumstances should be considered as one-off situations. If an event can reasonably be scheduled outside of term time then it is unlikely that the absence will be authorized. 

The following will not be considered exceptional circumstances:

  • Relatives coming to visit
  • Cheaper holidays in England and abroad
  • Family day trips
  • Visiting family/friends who have different half terms or holidays.

For more information about attendance, please see our separate policy here.


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