
At Higher Failsworth we aim to equip pupils to use computational thinking to equip them for life beyond school. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.

Across both key stages children use PCs, iPads and programming devices such as Beebots to consolidate computing across the curriculum. Children have access to Purple Mash and Times Tables Rockstars at home and in school in order to develop their skills further.

Our Computing Curriculum covers the following 5 areas:

  • E-Safety
    Children learn about how to stay safe online and the risks associated with using the internet. E-Safety is taken very seriously at Higher Failsworth Primary School and we promote E-Safety through both the computing curriculum and through our taught PSHCE sessions.
  • Programming
    Children learn how to create, edit and test algorithms, which instruct things such as Beebots and online avatars to complete certain tasks. We use programmes such as 2Code (Part of Purple Mash).
  • Handling Data
    Children learn how to retrieve and organise data, from displaying data on a simple graph to a branching database or spreadsheet.
  • Multimedia
    Children develop their word processing skills and use a range of computer programs such as Purple Mash, Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides.

Technology in Our Lives
Children develop both their knowledge of the different types of technology around us and their ability to use them, from sending emails, to blogging and using the internet through a range of browsers.

You can find our more about our Computing curriculum here.

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