School Results
All schools test and assessment results are required to be published by law. You can find our latest results on the Government website here.
We also summarise our results and use these to inform our School Development Plan. You can find this here.
Ofsted Inspections
Our last full (Section 5) inspection was in June 2013 and in October 2017 we were subject to a Short Inspection. Our school was graded as ‘Good’ at both of these inspections.
During Ofsted inspections, a number of lessons or parts of lessons are visited and teachers observed. The inspectors hold meetings with members of the governing body, staff and pupils. The inspectors observe the school’s work, and look at school documentation, including that relating to safeguarding, records of meetings of the governing body, assessment information and curriculum planning. Work in pupils’ books and displays around the school are also examined. The inspectors often speak to groups of pupils also.
For details of all the inspections which have taken place at this school, you can go to our school information page on the Ofsted website here.